OH okay that sorta makes more sense, but I'm not sure how I was supposed to know that. Maybe if there was a bit more of an indicator for the Dock level? Also not being allowed to jump in the assault rifle weapon seems like a weird design choice that just kinda confuses me. There's just no real direction on where to go in-game which is a big issue imho. I'm not really sure what you mean by the main idea of the project, do you mean something like an immersive sim like Deus Ex? Admittedly, I feel the idea you had with the weapons could've been infinitely utilized much better as well. Maybe you could've had a giant enemy with a shield that you had to run behind using the strafing pistol? The AK could've been used to break down doors or something, or could've ricocheted off of the ground or something. The level design didn't really account for any of this either imho, there wasn't really any reason to swap from each weapon in combat, you could've had maybe some section where you were stuck in a corridor and couldn't take advantage of the mobility of the pistol so you needed the higher damage output of the ak. I just didn't feel the need to swap weapons (the only time you needed to was during the platforming segments which in my opinion, wasn't that fun to play and felt super shoehorned in as the movement didn't feel like it was designed for this sort of level design) and I just held down the LMB without any consequence or regard for anything. Like I said before, this is a pretty neat game and has cool visual direction but it just doesn't really feel like it did anything it was attempting to do and was really short. I think this project could've benefited from taking a quick step back and trying to just do one thing like focusing on the shooting aspect and switching between weapons instead of what we have here. Hopefully nothing of what I said sounds rude, I do genuinely hope you can turn this into a project that plays as good as it looks because that would be awesome. Good luck homie.