Good luck dude, but this game ain't for me.
You can say that you wrote the MC to be unlikeable early on, in order to make for character growth down the road. It's a good strategy from a writer's point of view.
Why, then, did you make the girls ALSO unlikeable? The ONLY girl in the game that I've met that would have walked away from an IRL conversation with me without a broken nose is Eve.
I could have endured their bitchiness for the opportunity to corrupt and humiliate them later.
The story itself is what is making me quit.
When it was revealed that a girl weighing 92lbs soaking wet, is some kind of terrorist intimidating the little incel MC with merely a look was the end for me.
First of all, the girl apparently brought a gang to school. They beat the former coach into a coma or something. Made all the rest of the members of the team to quit. And terrorized the school to the point that nobody will even discuss the team at all.
And I'm expected to kiss her ass and beg her to be on my team? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
Then, she punched the pussy MC, and he didn't knock her the fuck out. If a woman is gonna throw a punch like a man, she damn well better be prepared to take a punch like a man. (As soon as the "men" of the 21st century figure that out, the number of incels will decrease dramatically)
So, I took the opportunity to give up the scholarship, go work at Taco Bell, surf PornHub, and plan that BSU mass shooter incident!
You said it was a bad ending. I say it was the best ending that I could hope for. Simply because I can't see a scenario where the MC ends the game with the severed head of every girl on the team in his freezer.