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The girl you saw at the start of act 2 is the antagonist of the act. And yes, she is tied to all the girls stories in act 2 like Lenya

(2 edits)

hopefully there will be a chance to enslave her at the end but i think it would be cool if there was a different enslavement for each antagonist like a love potion i don't necessarily mean a love potion in general it could be anything really and can i ask you something will that princess like girl the one that tried to kill cecelia be the one to save this time around i think she would make a perfect main girl


The princess's story/romance will mainly be in act 3. The game right now, is currently in act 2. 

I'll move onto act 3/starting content for the princess, once Lenya, Cecilia, Violet and Jasmine's stories are concluded with the main villian of act 2

will this game be split after act three or will it be complete what i mean by split is like a separate game or will it end with act three

I'm not sure yet. Depends on how large the game size gets. If it gets too big, I might split it.