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I would provably focus more on contract related responsablities than being a host, not that i don't want to handle guests alongside Asterion and the rest but it always felf that the Mc could spend more time in the Obsidien layer. Kota (i chose him as the first guest) is doing a great job managing the lounge and i belive that with Themba's assistance and Asterion's expertise the Hotel's management is going to be fine without my presence. I don't plan of being cramped there and ignoring them all day, i would still spend time with the crew and show myself as one of the co-owners during diners in the lounge, i think this will also give Asterion his well deserved freedom to do what he wants with the Hotel. And the contract related responsablities would go from increasing the rate at witch projects are being done (i think that with Wi-Fi being avalable to the Hotel we could do more that a project once every couple days days i guess), all the way to finding ways to deal with the beasts of the valley. Even without knowing their importance to the plan to free Asterion i had the idea of getting rid of them since they were always introduced as torturing machines thet the Argoi used against Asterion. Another idea i had in mind is making countermeasures for the Olympian gods, even tho they can't get into the Hotel with what we knew in the latest chapter there might be an iteraction with them and i know that they will not like seeing Asterion with a suit on greeting the guests. Hiring Pedro is also on my bucket list but i feel like this would happen naturely. I'm also really curious about the Labyrs.

My plan is basicly spend less time as the co-owner of the Hotel and more time as the master of the Labyrinth (smth like 40%/60%) basicly getting rid of whatever will hinder both the Hotel and Asterion, and once i either get Asterion's freedom or some compomises from those bloddy Olympians i would focus more on being a proper host.

*May contain spoilers: Since Hermes brought the ichor negociations up, and if they take place in the Hotel or i would be involved in as Asterion's Master, i would do my best to get rid of whatever pride these gods have left under their names for the poor exuses they used in the votes we find and if possible get a proper punch on Athena's face. I would also ask Lord Dionysus (he was on Asterion's side) to bless the Hotel in the same way Hades did so that we can have a proper wineyard for Asterion.