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WHats teh point in fucking these bitches if u cnat get em pregnant? AOInt no point at all. Yer jsut shooting blanks then. Franklhy, none of the ladies in this game are worth the effort. Some are actually crazy, some are stupid beyond all hope, and some are jsut outrigth mannipulative bitches. Like the "sister". If i ha dto be the unlucky guy to be th eMC, i would not waste my time even acknowledging the existence fo anyone in this game. They are not worthy of my time or effort.

>.> Especialy since most are clearly crazy enoiugh to need seriou mental help.


Though i will add that the transfer girl, i forget he rname now, is not too bad and Lindsay is...........innocent i guess is the word?


At least this "bitches" can spell right, lmao.


dude if you hate this game so much stop commenting

this is like your second or third hate comment