The game idea is truly original, well done! This continuous loop works well; the reverse effect seems to simulate rewinding the tape and going back in time through the protagonist's mind. The nostalgia throughout the entire OST works perfectly within the context of the story. By refining the mix and cleaning up some of the sounds, you will achieve excellent results: for example, in the first track, I would have brought out the orchestral instruments more (strings, but especially those flutes). In "wist" the piano is beautiful but lacks a bit in the low frequencies. It’s okay to have some emptiness there at the beginning, but after a while, I would have added something (even just a piano chord in the lower frequency range would add a lot more impact). I’d clean up the kick and bass better in the third track: make them more directional with a bit more high frequencies. Beyond these purely technical tips (which I hope are helpful), I really like the music (The ending of *Night Terrors* is one of my favorite parts, I think (from when the guitar comes in)... the mix of styles is beautiful), and the game idea is well constructed! You’ve dared to be original, and you deserve to be rewarded for that!