how do i download this? i bought it 2024-07-03, and i've been waiting to get a computer to play it. i have a computer now, but i'm having a lot of trouble downloading it, and i cannot find downloading instructions.
When i click download, it brings up a file folder for "Furry Shades of Gay 2". Inside that folder is the "mono bleeding edge" file, "shades of gay 2 data" file, Shades of Gay 2" application, "unityCrashHandler64" application and a "UnityPlayer.Dll" application extension.
i've tried to use the "shades of gray 2" application to open the game, but it needs the "unity player.dll" to be able to run. However, i have no idea where to find that. i've clicked on the "unityPlayer.dll" to try to get that downloaded, but it want to use a different app to run in - none of which are actually capable of running a game in, like the notes app.
can you offer some help? i am in windows 10, so i'm assuming that's the main issue.