From the tiny bit I've managed to parce from the PDF I think this is going to be awesome. I love seeing the story someone else has ctreated with this. I'm always looking for things like this to do when out and about especially because I am blind. That said, I wound like to pretty please request a Word Doc or Google Doc version of this? I think there are tables in here that would not translate to epub orp lain text files well. I ask because the PDF does not read well at all my with screen reader. I can't OCR it to pull the text either, it is fairly jumbled and unfortunately I have no one who would be able to read it or shorthand it all to me in a more accessible format. I love what you have planned here and want to be able to share it with others. Thanks for your consideration!
I saw your request over at /r/Solo_RolePlaying. Making the document screen-readable sounds like a great idea for a system like this. A Doc version is a bit hard to do because it's all in Homebrewery Markup, but the markup is a text file and in itself might be interpretable by a screen reader. I'll upload it here.