Hey, upon downloading, I immediatley found errors. Luckily, since it was a PY file I was able to fix them.
First off: There are multiple files that wont do anything
-----------| to fix this I combined it all into one single main.py file
second off: When running a command such as "version" or even just opening it, it immediatley closes. This is because you never told the program to stay open.
-----------| I also fixed that by creating a 'While True:' loop, an infinite loop.
I also added more commands which you do by doing 'elif search == "blahblah":'
The new code (for ONE file only) is:
import time import os os.system('title WINPYTHON 2.1 fixed by @parpler on discord :3') while True: print("type 'list' for a list of programs") search = input("search a program: ") if search == "version": input(" Winpython 2.1 It Was Coded In Python and fixed by @parpler on discord \n") elif search == "list": input("\n version | shows system version \n") else: input("\n program not found, check to make sure that you typed the name correctly. \n") os.system('cls')
keep in mind this is just one python file and there should not be any more than that!