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(6 edits) (+3)(-1)

(Spoiler Alert...)

Okay, Leo route... WHY THE F- HE IS SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!?!!? BUT THE CLIFFHANGER!!! AND "WHAT MEANS TO BE A MAN" THING, AAAAAH!!! (Also, The Purple Yian Kut-Ku is called Yian Garuga, right? Xd)

Now Ridge route... Just beautiful man... I literally reflected myself in Ridge, because i also pass through that shit of need help but also pulling they away because i was scare of dissapointing them...again... just.. beautiful... (i legit cried on this)

Joseph route... was the definition of spicy and pain, my third favorite for now. (F- you gore malaga, that's why i farm you so badly in the mh4) 


I know it's kinda vague, but still, you forgot a spoiler alert.


Sorry!! I usually don't comment!!