Wait imagine on Christmas there being a krampus if you have a high enough bitch fame event! Or if your heroic enough a santa event where he gives you something.... Maybe a op weapon or some stat boosts? Or depending on if your a top or bottom (maybe like I'm bernard love potion) you could choose dialog on what santa would do! Like if you have a high enough charisma you can seduce him into topping or bottoming you or if you again have enough charisma you could trick him into giving you better stuff? Maybe even a winter background! OMFG IMAGINE GIFTING EVERYONE YOU CAN INTERACT WITH A GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS! wait is this bc it after bc? Crep! Wait maybe next year in Halloween a spirit could come and you could fight or submit! Maybe for every (major) holiday there could be something! But only fun ideas nothing known. But imagine.
I also just imagined there introductions like imagine for Santa he flies on his sled into your yard when you sleep next and Wales you up with multiple options saying merry Christmas! And no option is like bad and none affect your character in any way except experience so if you were good want a gives you options but if you slightly bad but not enough for krampus maybe would do something like spank you and you could moan or groan in pain to see what happens? Maybe moaning would make santa bang you but groaning he'd think you learned your lesson! But if your bad enough krampus appeared says you can submit it fight him and if you win he lets you have your way with him but if you lose no matter what he smacks your cheeks. And the fight would be repeatable until you either best him seduced him or lost to him without replenishing your sanity Which the ending would be takes you to wherever he lives and let's other bad people he got fuck you and he also does randomly....