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Really cool game! i liked the shooting and enemies, although i did encounter quite abit of bugs and issues.

-in the first mission where you are supposed to cross a bride to get to the other side, the bridge had no hitbox and it was impossible to get to the other side. it didn't even collide with my bullets.

-i think you should be able to change the volume of sound effects, music and voice lines. the game was WAYYY to loud when i first started it so i had to lower the volume of windows it self which was pretty annoying.

-after i encountered the bug with the bridge and i couldn't progress, i wanted to quit the game, but when i tried to do so it just took me to the lobby and i had to sit through that whole cutscene.

-i think the game has an awesome soundtrack but it got a little repetitive after awhile, mayby make it a little longer.

-i also think the sprint was a little wierd, it was way to fast for my liking and i thought it was pretty annoying when the camera's FOV changed so much. i would also really appreciate if you made it so you can strafe while sprinting.

i hope my feedback helped you! i think this could be an amazing game if you just fixed my problems listed above. and also, why is it free? i'd honeslty be happy to pay around 5 dollars for a game of this quality.

Hi there, thanks for your feedback! Very helpful indeed.

In regards to some of your points:

- The bridge issue was a fault on my part and has since been fixed. I've uploaded a new version of the build with the fix, which also has a few other updates included.

- Currently strafe while sprinting is an upgrade, but we would consider making faster speed the upgrade and strafe sprinting standard.

- At the moment we don't have any plans to make the game a paid release, but it might be something that we consider a little further down the track.