Ok where do i start. First of all really good game 8/10 why 2 points broken? Let me start. It feel super easy. Like super easy. I bought Malo on cam too and i havent played the remastered version of it yet but i remember the 1.4 version and that has super hard i think the night 5 of 1.4 she was max AI from the start. Was it bad? No absoluty not it was fun and i felt like i earned it. Idk about the remaster yet i will check that out.This one? Super easy. I barely felt in danger of losing the night. She came to my door once through the entire game. Super easy i would honestly rush tasks and sit on cameras for her to pop up which even on night 4 and 5 she is not very agressive. There needs to be one more enemy which i tought there was becuse when you finish night 4 Smiler says: Your wolf girlfriend? She is here. But nope she is not here. It really need either one more door where she can attack or another enemy which is Malo. Or both. It does not have to be both but Malo or a new enemy is %100 needed with harder AI. Oh and this is not needed but the map is so bland and boring Like Fine nights at Candy 2. The first Candys was somewhat interesting to look at even tho it was just fnaf 1 map copy. But Candys2 and this games map is just so blank so uh empty. Like i know its the backrooms level 1 there is nothing here i know but there is another backrooms porn game here on İtchio its called Cumrooms their map is still backrooms but they made it look somehwhat interesting like there are a few stuff here and there something like that on this game could be better since most of our time is spent on cams since the AI is pretty passive. But as i said this can be completely ignored if the AI is harder or idk simple desks here and there and stuff like that could make the place a whole lot more lively. Like the previous teams stuff lying here and there. Anyway it is not needed and can be ignored but i think it would be uhh cool? Also she barely shows up on some cams if any at all. I remember a few cams where she came to 1 or 2 times or never on some cams. Now to the positive parts. Its still fun. I like the whole task thing like in Sister Location. Some of the tasks are just perfert like Eat Cheese or Text Malo. We need to fill a quota for photos for some company(Now where i heard that before lol Lethal Company) But she barely shows up on cams %90 of the nights were me waiting so she showed up in any cam and the other %10 was rushing tasks. Anyway Its great its quite polished and the sex scenes are good too. Well the sex scenes could use a freecam aside from that its pretty good. Also why it this cheaper than the rest of the games? Is it becuse its and early version or something and pretty much all i said here will be fixed and then the price tag will be rised? Honestly it %100 deserves the 5 bucks price tag. Anyway as i said need harder AI and you cant tease us with Malo and not have her appear. Like even the Smiler says at the end of night 4 and i got so excited yes finally a boss night some actual challange just for Malo to not appear at all.... Oh and the easter eggs. Eh egg. There is only 1 guess? That being when you sometimes open the computer it says Welcome Traveller instead of Welcome. I like small stuff like that a lot makes the game more lively and when she look at the wrong direction and the last cam she is waving but there is no camera there maybe thats not a easter egg idk but its pretty funny.Also there is no custom night?Like i cant even make a max mode thats such a shame. I was hoping for a max mode for a real challange since the game was super easy.And before you ask no Easy mode was not on. I should honestly check easy mode since without easy mode on it was super easy anyway.Or not becuase i might wait for her to pop up on cams for hours.Anyway thanks for making the game hopefully it was not a painful ride to read this thanks for reading.