The Problem I had with it, where was the shop to sell stuff at? There were ton of npcs to meet but all of them expectations to complete tasks...not lot to explore space.
I did custom player and outfit, you couldn't save her outfit kept switching.
Underwear is something hard to do on character.
Where was farm ground location at? Farm shop, buy seeds?
Tool items like Pickax were missing. The tree was missing to chop down.
All recipe items had wood items?
I think the bigger thing you are missing are in game video tutorials that would help confused players. F1 option doesn't relate to the problem I had.
Finding food, selling materials?
No outer limits. Grass should be grown back in 1 game day, not in nanosecond. NPC should have events or doing something instead of walking around, they should have chores.
Display cases you can't add collected animals to display.
Good points:
You can swim in game which most games don't allow this function, Jump,
Running was easy to figure out, tool usage and energy not balanced.
Points from first try:
Probably might be good idea to have direction lead where to find buyable food for players beginners.
Tavern wasn't open,
Grass and scythe cutting didn't harvest seeds. I'd like to have free property where you play the game for a while....
The town was too big, dwarf it or make a mini map with all points of interest because I got lost, and I just dropped into moat because I was frustrated. Then I was running on rooftops because hard to find where I was looking for.