Bug report on v.
1. When making jelly hailey in between the tunnels, jelly hailey does not move at all. but it can be killed.
2. Every time I pass the edge here and get dropped and have sex jellyhailey always stays still and doesn't move but can fight me if approached but also can't be killed.
3. Jellyhailey doesn't follow me upstairs.
4. Jelluhailey doesn't go through hidden passages.
5. Bug on skullslug animation. Stacking each other.
6. Speed button can't be pressed more than once. So there is a separate delay to do it until full.
7. Bug freeze when talking to sera and mac. when calling all girls on mason quest. one of them is this.
Previously on the PC version I also experienced this. but I don't know if it has been fixed or not. at that time v.
8. when annie is flying and is dropped by the enemy. trying to wake her up again while she is floating. a message like this appears. and the enemy follows us to her place.
that also happens at hailey's level when she is dropped by the enemy and tries to get up the message will appear even though she has been woken up again.
9. Annie hovers above the un-lowered bridge in the Perilous Rift level