What the hell, this is incredible. Reeks of atmosphere - genuinely reminds me of something Akira Yamaoka would do.
Fantastic ambience - wonderfully oppressive and ominous when it needs to be, and disconcertingly eerie during the quieter sections. Varied choice of soundscapes and evolving atmospheres throughout.
Opening and Wandering have some really cool voicings and really caught my attention off the bat.
Stealth has a great moody, oppressive vibe to it that only continues to build and build. The guitar-ish sounding synth in run goes incredibly hard, doubly so when dubbed over that strange drone - genuinely feels like some sort of battle/chase music á la the more experimental SH soundtracks.
Sleeping has some wonderfully creative and strange textures to it, I like how it just hangs there in the background and becomes melodic toward the end before transitioning into Credits, which is, again, right up Yamaoka's alley in terms of instrumentation and the inclusion of vocals.
Blown away by this. Absolutely love it - tight execution of the theme and very well produced. Was not expecting to come across an entry this dark and evocative of a composer I absolutely adore. Fantastic job, for real - I think this is my favorite submission as a whole.