This is the only way I'm going to read ulysses. The formatting in the files (not dev's fault) cause me some hiccups if i were going for Speediest Playthrough Ever because i have to get used to them first, but I still love this concept of typing game to the extreme (I have the non-ulysses version too.)
I mostly want to comment how funny it is that this game is now functioning as physical therapy for my shoulder 😂 Last night I slept without it popping crunchily into place, and when I tried to stretch-and-pop it when I put it under my partner's pillow, it was quiet. Even now it is no longer popping and feels better. I didn't intend for it to work that way, but I'm going to put it in my healing plans now, haha.
[Medical disclaimer!!! I am not a doctor. If you have an injury you should consult a medical professional.
I was not majorly injured when I picked this game back up 2 years later. I am basically uninjured, and just inconvenienced by asymmetric muscle because of unconscious habits and using that arm for my computer mouse. It's just really funny this turned out this way.]