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Inside My World: The quiet high piano is great for underwater melodies. I like your harmonic choices!

Maria’s Music Box: This has a very nice lullaby quality to it. The use of the mixolydian mode feels quite magical.

Maria’s Vision: I notice that you like to use the bVI chord in each of your tracks, but it feels like it’s used in unique ways each time. I enjoyed the use of pizzicato strings over legato swells to convey a sense of super-reality.

Maria’s Golden Touch: Great use of leitmotif. The blue notes used throughout add emotional depth to this track. The reverb creates an ambience that works really well with the underwater theme and feel. The subtle strings toward the end is a really nice touch! I also appreciate your chord choices where it feels like the progression is over, but then you turn back into the progression with a I-III-IV (I think?) move that seems to say “But wait, there’s one more thing…”

Midas’ World: The use of more synthetic-sounding instruments tell me that something is different here from the previous tracks. There is a sad and distressed but sweet quality to this track.

Midas: This track is very different from the rest and has a lot of energy in it! I think the thing that makes it stand out is the fullness of the string pulse that supports the anchor points of the piano melody. The addition of electronic sounds is good musical representation of the two different characters. I think it’s also worth noting that one nuanced detail I appreciated is the sound of your snare sounds a little deeper and darker which I think works really well to help convey more of an underwater sound.

Walking Through The Waterways: Your use of a waltzy piano track for water tunnels between worlds is something I really enjoyed. After all, Koji Kondo set the standard for water levels being in 3/4 and it just feels right! This track is probably my favorite out of all of them!

Overall: You have a very delicate and fine-tuned compositional style which allows for nuanced emotions and moments to be conveyed with ease. I appreciate that you set up themes early and then revisited them to help tell your story musically. Very well done! And thank you for sharing!