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I have been using the saves from the last couple years and on day 366 “in game days”. Total hours of play time os gonna be difficult to say since the updates and patches are somewhat constant.  But maybe if you played from start to current patch end constantly and nonstop, maybe 2-3 weeks. Theres alot of content

I did the game in about 5 days

I did say maybe, what can I say? My time scale sucks.  Course I tend to take my time and read each line lol

I'm cooped up in my apartment 24/7 so I was doing 18 hour days.

oof, I’d go mad if i was cooped up. Weekends, yeah i get lazy and dont wanna do squat especially after a rough work week. More power to you

Trust me I hate it but I'm currently broken and just need to let my leg and back heal then I'll be back up playing with high voltage cables again.

whatever gets your jollies 🤣🤣🤣