first off, this item is actually not cursed.
ok, long story short, I thought this up while at work and makeing sure all the math actually would work out the way I expected it too in my head, when I had an idea.
So, an item of this function and purpose I assumed would be put in your game sooner or later, but I felt that even a weak effect would make it too strong and desirable for the player. So I basically decided to make an item that WOULD do as advertised, but do so in a way that was unessasarily complicated, kinda dumb, and had a blatant design flaw.
That being said, I give you the:
"Strange Suppressor"
This item can be found in chests, and has increased odds to drop from Kobolds.
Description: "This accessory seems to have been designed by the local Kobolds to make living in this dungeon easier. However, it seems too good to be true."
Listed effects: This item may never spawn cursed. No coverage, no resistance. 0.5 weight. Slows all transformation effects by 5%, including reversion!
How it actually works: Per-turn, damage, cursed-item, death, and all other transformation level changes have their final effects multiplied by 0.95. This includes the spell reduce curse! All Cursed items also have a one-time 5% chance to loose their cursed status when attempting to activate.
That, in itself I think will work in the game in its current state, and I think you can see where the obvious drawback lies. However, it gets a lot more ridiculous and questionable when you consider that I am makeing this with the system I'm building in mind.
So, if you do go ahead with implementing my suggestion when I'm done designing it, the Strange Suppressor, in addition to all of the above, will ALSO multiply all TF priority gain, TF priority loss, per-turn TF priority loss, and your final change in tf speed value by 0.95. And again, all of this is still applied to everything, including reduce curse.
So, yeah, I think once I'm done, I think you will be able to see how this item has to potential to actually be rather annoying and a bit of a hindrance at times.