Amazing entry!
Gameplay wise, I think your core loop is very engaging, creative, and a great use of the theme. I loved it and all the popups. My only suggestion would be to balance the different popups a bit - you're always really happy if you get the "too hot" popup, and really unhappy if you get the tic tac toe one. It adds a bit of RNG to the game, which I think works well in this case, but for speedrunning purposes I think having them be a bit more similar in length could be a good idea.
In terms of the theme, I think you did a fantastic job in coming up with a creative and unique idea and executing it well.
In terms of aesthetic, I think you did a really good job in making me feel like I was using an older computer. Your use of shaders turned a very simple idea and game into something really unique and thematically appropriate, props to you!
The sound is very minimalist, but it works really well. I wouldn't expect a game like this to have catchy music or anything like that. Maybe I would add a bit more sounds to the different popups so that there's some more immediate audio feedback that the player can respond to, but other than that, great job too.
Very cool game, keep up the good work!