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Well done on the game!

Vibes and aesthetics matched what you wanted to do with replicating that GTA2 feel; The menu and intro theme were a nice additions; Though a lack of an OST during gun gameplay was an immersion breaker for me. 

Car driving was nice, fluid and responsive; I do hope to see more gameplay implementation with this, as driving around was fun, just there wasn't much to do. Also for prototyping, I do recommend adding in some invisible walls of some kind as a lot of the map was unfinished and empty, with buildings missing especially on the northern area.

Gunplay combat was nice, however, I would suggest taking in some notes from Hotline Miami, as while shooting at the direction I wanted was great and precise; Shooting at an enemy who is shooting at me and I can't see him due to the camera not able to pan towards them was frustrating. Also between floors, the enemies were respawning on load. I imagine that simply a save/load function wasn't implemented yet.

All in all I see a great foundation build to develop it further, looking forward to seeing more of this one!

(1 edit) (+1)

That comment does put a smile on my face, i am thankfull to see someone really liked this project, and yes im thinking on continuing it, i think the sound glitched on the gun fights, cuz i ve did implement an audio inside all buildings, i will take a better look in Hotline Miamis fighting to see how i can improve Heartless's one, i hope ya like the next updates too! <3