This crams in a lot for a jam game. Quite polish with very nice UI (esp. for a bevy game) and a good deal of QoL features.
The audio is unnerving, so I'd expect the visuals to be darker/brooding to match it. Also regarding the aesthetics, while the angled view looks quite nice, it messes with my sense of direction, so was swapping left & right quite a bit. That might be just a me thing tho as I'm not very good at spatial puzzles and when you add in rotations, my head just starts spinning. I have finished most puzzles, but stopped playing once I realised I was brute-forcing some of the puzzles. The parsimony requirement was actually a driving factor in this as when I saw a low enough number (3 or below) I just lazily started trying combinations. I think hiding those requirements and also allowing me to step through would help alleviate that urge.
Overall it's a great entry and at least some of my issues might be just a skill issue.