Note that the itch version includes mouse handling, but that only comes out to 311 characters total:
poke(24365,1)pal(2,129,1)a={}::_::cls(1)f=stat(34)==1m=f!=o and f or nil o=f if(btnp(5)or m)w=t()add(a,#a>0 and w-v or 0)v=w if(#a>1 and a[#a]<=a[#a-1]or#a>10)a={} if#a>9then ?a[#a],16,10 end for x=1,10 do rectfill(6+x*10,#a>9 and 98-(a[x]/a[#a])*70or 56,9+x*10,#a>9 and 100or 72,a[x]and 7or 2)end flip()goto _
I just thought I'd remove that and cram it into a single tweet when I saw that would be achievable.