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Really interesting take on the subject, experimenting with different genres while maintaining the storyline/"concept"/vibe of the game is a tricky thing to do, and I think you've done it well.
It's diverse, creative, and shows a wide array of genres you are comfortable building from/with.

The composition is simple yet efficient, thanks to a tasteful arrangement and choice of instrument, which is perfect (in my humble opinion) for the realm of video game music.

Mixing wise, I feel like playing around with your stereo space, eq-ing certain things here and there to avoid frequencies taking over one another - overall more work on the mixing aspect of things - could have gone a long way and made this project a top tier in this jam. All of this is very subjective though, and I had a blast listening to the whole thing (Strange Vision is just so tasteful, simple, catchy, and well done!!).

Too many words just to say, congratulations, you've done an awesome job, and I'm excited what you come up with in the future :-)