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Some really nice dark textures and ambiences in here. Hard to say what it reminds me of specifically - kind of a mishmash from a bunch of different notable figures in the horror genre; both indie and professional.

Digging the use of the chosen synth voicings - they almost function as a motif in their own right. Production is solid and all of the tracks are nice and cohesive. Creation Out of Void was unexpected - feels more akin to a standard track arrangement in my opinion, but I enjoyed it all the same.

My favorite is Black Fog in the Forest - this has some delicious ambience to it and the drum work in it is sparse but works really well. Great dragging noise/distorted SFX/whatever it is on the occasional snare hit to really tear up the background. The glitching/reversing effects on the lead melodies is great for creating this kind of low-key disconcerting and ominous vibe. This track reminds me of something that Yamaoka might've done in the early days.

Great work - thematically this was on point and absolutely drenched in moodiness. Really enjoyed it! Best of luck. :)


I really appreciate all of the great feedback. Thank you for taking the time to listen and to leave such wonderful insight!