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Massive respect for the effort you put into this game, I love the artwork; MC Renamon's reaction after the Kuro boss was so adorable!! Despite the occasional jank from time to time, It never really took much away from the experience, the game has been nothing but enjoyable! I have a few small questions though; 

1. What will the other areas be centered around or look like? and also, odd question I know, but is there a possibility of any tickling kink related scenes in the future?

2. Will the different Boss fight Renamon we freed ever become party members? I was a pretty confused for a while because I was hoping to try out the other weapons through them, but the only ones you gain you cant give equipment to, which ended up a little disappointing but it was fine.


thanks, im currently on and off working on a jungle, im not entirely sure what will come to the game if it continues after that.
i have no interest in tickling so dont count on it.
no party members will have that feature, the battles are all centered around the main character and whoever i decide at the time she should be accompanied by. i dont expect the player to have a whole extra set of equipment to give a partner they suddenly now have for the time being so they will always be balanced around not having player equipment. you may/may not have any of the rescued renas as partners at some point, extra party members multiply the work load for new status types the kuro zone really hit the burnout trying to draw all the stuff for that. my original intention was to have rescued renas more as like filler for some weird scenes or a dating system or something but that hasnt happened so far.

That's fair honestly! Regardless, I'm looking forward to the future of this game, however long that may take; good things take time after all. Wish you good fortune!


ty ty