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(1 edit)

- (Bug) Someone had already pointed this out, but you get softlocked if you press the skip button during the backpack event.
- (I don't think that's supposed to happen) If you collapse in front of Haru during the All's well event, the game just forgets about it. He doesn't even get mentioned, you can't choose him to accompany you because he's simply not there, and he doesn't even ask you what happened afterwards.

I did not get the bug in my playthrough. What are the specific steps to reproduce it?

It only chooses 3 spirits with the highest affection to you. If Haru is not in the top 3, he will not be chosen, even if you collapse in front of him.

If you press the skip button before the game lets you choose whether to defend Flo or not, the UI disappears and you cannot proceed without reloading the save file.

also I'm not sure whether or not that still works on 0.3.1, as I didn't update the game due to linux being linux so I wasn't sure that everything would go smoothly