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I've left a rating as thanks for making this excellent asset pack!

If I could make a request for a future asset; I'm in need of an arcane/magician's study. Nothing too fancy, but something with bookshelves and maybe a pile of tomes or two. I'd greatly appreciate it!

Oh, and a suggestion for the potion shop: could you make an alternate version without the candles/orb that includes a cauldron, mortar and pestle, alembic and retort? Right now it feels more like a shop for magic users rather than potions. You don't have to, this is just something that my ADHD mind won't leave alone unless I ask. Thanks for humoring me!

Thank you for purchasing my pack and leaving a review! I will try to add a magician's study in the next update, although I'm not sure when that will be exactly.
As for modifying existing assets, unfortunately that's not possible as they were made quite a while ago and it would be impossible to recreate exactly. They are made using 3d modelling so it is pretty difficult to make changes to already rendered scenes. Sorry about that.

Nono, it's totally understandable! I had a feeling your were placing each element by hand with models but I figured it was at least worth asking. Your asset pack contains so much already that I can make do with what's there. 

Thanks for taking the time to reply and I look forward to future updates!

I'll be sure to credit your work and leave a link once I've got my demo in a presentable state. 👍