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You're not as savvy as you think you are so maybe you need to cool your jets a bit and realise the one who might be missing something is you.

Seems pretty obvious to me that she doesn't "know" Vincent is right. She believes him because she has low self esteem. It's referenced that she's never had any friends or lovers, she's always been alone. Even her mum doesn't talk to her. So it's very easy for her to believe what he says, easy to believe that people don't like her for herself because nobody ever has before.

God, at least pay attention to what you're complaining about if you're going to launch into some long crappy rant.
Also yeah it's pretty obvious you aren't a neurologist. You think people don't fall in love in warzones? In life or death situations? Think again.


Needlessly snarky, yes. Also, 

"And HOW would she even know if Vincent is right that without her ability to amplify powers, none of them would even look at her? She doesn't know any of them and since meeting her they've all thrown themselves at her, so how can she know the dude is right?"

"Also they're so ridiculously inappropriate with her, like all of them, shamelessly so that the fact she could not suspect SOMETHING is going on, falling for it, and still tryna be like the typical, clueless, innocent anime MC who is totally oblivious to everyone's advances really just doesn't work out."

These two statements contradict each other. Is she an idiot for thinking they her or is she an idiot for believing they might not like her?


"They might not like her" AND "He's totally right" are two very different ideas. I absolutely think she'd definitely have doubts that they would like her, but that doesn't mean that everyone who talks to her is right and honest because they feed into her suspicions. Which is where it gets really tricky and confusing. Because she monologues it all as "he told me something I don't understand and have 0 evidence for so he must be super right and honest despite the fact that someone is obviously lying. And yes, definitely snarky, because that's how I am. If I'm toxic, you'll just have to deal with it, I never denied, in fact I already said I was and apologized. Does that mean it will change, no, absolutely not. But thank you anyway for your response.


You sure sound like one of those "brutally honest" people that pull this kind of BS more for the brutality than the honesty. And for someone so critical of others you're making a real effort to look the other way from critique towards you. 

Also, "I apologize for this behavior that I will deliberately continue" is a complete non-apology. You aren't sorry.


I'm not sorry for who I am, no. Sucks that you don't like it, you went out of your way to read my comment and be offended. I am my worst critic. Absolutely no one is telling me anything I've not said to myself. You can all be nice about your critiques, I'm going to be me, it's probably meaner than it needs to be, maybe it will change, maybe it won't.


There is a link on their page to a Google Docs form for anonymous feedback. Feel free to use it and seek out others for future games you play. You seem to be getting heated over people replying to you and yet continue to make your opinions open for public response. 

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The irony of how sensitive you are. I imagine you wouldn't be happy if a developer were to respond to you with your attitude.

Self-criticism means nothing if you don't take steps to change. You're coddling yourself by acting like this behavior's normal.


I'm quite fine with your criticism, I'm not sure what response you're expecting. I'm not arguing, I'm mean. I've known, I've accepted. This is a moot point. I honestly don't mind if they take it negatively, I would honestly just try to make sure that they knew that I do want to support their work. I don't want them to be discouraged. I've had devs respond with attitude, it's fine. And I don't think anon responses are a good idea considering how mean I can be. I want them to be able to know who I am so they can talk to me if it's an issue. I can be nicer if they can't handle my meanness, it's just not a first response. If they respond kindly, I always have nice things to say in return and I seriously appreciate them taking the time to respond kindly because it shows me how much they are invested in bettering their game and writing. This behavior is normal for me. Maybe not you, maybe not others. Quite honestly, if you don't like it, we don't have to get a long. 

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Lol nobody is asking you to be sorry for who you are, what a cop-out I rolled my eyes so hard.

That's the kind of thing people say when they know full well they can separate their crappy behaviour from themselves but they just don't want to. "I'm gonna be me" my friend we're all being ourselves, you aren't any more raw and real because you give feedback like an ass.

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I  agree with Cjindel. You can also give a decent, respectul review without being rude and just coming off as an angry gamer who couldn't find their specific requirements meant in this specific game. Yes, there's room for improvement but is a demo? is not the final product, and while I am always rooting for feedback whether is positive AND negative on any type of games to help the creators improve, you need to learn to communicate your opinion without being snarky. 


Falling in love in warzones is not the same as needing a chemical response to do something specific in the heat of a moment. I've already mentioned that. The needing to be in love thing is annoying and not necessary for the plot at all. If they want to add it, it only takes away from the plot in my opinion. They can fight over and be desperate for her attention in an attempt to use her for her abilities without this unnecessary layer. It seems like a huge stretch and sure if you think that it works that's your opinion which I personally didn't ask for, maybe they want to know, but I don't and your comment on MY comment isn't warranted. BUT thank you for sharing anyway. I apologize if my self expression and opinion offended you. That doesn't change my opinion unfortunately.


Too long, didn't read due to history of jerk behaviour. If you wanted anyone to listen you should have learned to communicate better.