Hahaha it doesn't work for you? Lol it works for me. I don't have to save often either. Been playing megaman x. Works. The final fantasy series works. Crono trigger.... works. A few games have their little quirks about them, but... eh, nothing is perfect. Although this is pretty damn close! Maybe it's your karma for a total douche bag when there is no way in hell you could create something like this. So please, oh wise one, make something better. That's right, you can't, can you? Doubtful. People want instant gratification nowadays. It's horrible to see how impatient people are. Probably some snot nosed kid who is use to getting everything he wants. Although, if you're my age... and to be honest, I'm only in my late 20s... and you're this way... man your folks did a shitty ass job raising you. You sir, are a butt pirate. Now good day.