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The piano playing in the Title Theme is great; soft and gentle. Good choice of chords below, the lead lines weave around them really nicely.

The choice of instruments in The Aquarium is gorgeous - I love how you've arranged this piece in particular. It never feels too busy but there is a lot going on the more you listen. Nice lead melodies on the winds which are accented by the mallets, and fantastic orchestration beneath it all. The way this piece develops is really cool.

Glimpse of Wonder is whimsical off the bat. The waltz-like rhythm on the keys does a great job of setting the stage here. Really nice use of repeated motifs here - the middle section has a melody repeat across three different instruments but it doesn't sound repetitive at all. I think that can be hard to pull off, so kudos for that!

The change of pace and tone in Drowning...Don't Close Your Eyes was an unexpected but wholly welcome surprise. The intro is jam packed with urgency and panic, but that middle section is almost ethereal in the initial quiet - a kind of calm-before-the-storm vibe. Great use of various articulations as this progresses, some really neat ideas in here.

Summer Night Festival's use of SFX in the beginning before getting into the arrangement is clever and does a really nice job of immersing the listener. Loving the introduction of some new instruments here, leaning fully into the festival vibes with not only the stringed and woodwind instruments but also the percussion too. Perfectly befitting of the title.

Finally, Distant Recollections feels a little like a return-to-form; bookending the soundtrack with another piano driven piece. Loving how delicate the playing is here, and the string accompaniment is beautifully handled - just as gentle as the piano playing, bolstering it wonderfully. The latter half opening up the mix was a great way of adding more substance to the piece and then bringing it back to the beginning once again by ending on the piano.

Great work - this was a delight to listen to. A lot of really cool pieces here, all of which are arranged wonderfully. Production throughout is good, and as a whole the soundtrack sounds really cohesive.