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(2 edits)

This game seems awesome! However I have a few ideas and needed fixes

First thing is the fixes: I don't know if there are other button options but I was playing with Arrow Keys as my movement and J as my sword which is very uncomfortable for my keyboard layout that I stopped playing. If you can updated it with key bindings that would really help cause I really want to play but get annoyed with the key layout. And a controls menu so I can see how to play would be helpful. And if you don't want to have a menu, make it an NPC that tells you the controls for movement because WASD does not work for me nor does the switch controller.

The only other thing I would say is, give the player a way to exit the game without using the main menu. Like if I press X button on the keyboard I can leave the game. And make the sprite of the hero more vibrant of a blue, because the character art is really cool but the blue in the game sprite it dulled out so, IMO if you make these changes this will be the fix I really needed for a new Legend of Zelda NES version. I love these kind of games but the control layout hurts my hands so I had to stop however I really want to play the game it is so simple and fun to hop into and looks very good but my hands are annoyed at the layout of the controls with for me is Arrow Keys to move and J to swing sword. I would say key bindings or WASD to move with Space or P to swing sword. I feel like if you use P it would feel NES like where the two inputs are on opposite sides of the controller (in this case the keyboard)

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Yes! No problem. Please let me know when you fix this because these kind of games I could play for days. 

I want to play MV 1 MV2 MV3 MV4 MV5 this game really grabs me. I can also help to write a story of if you need any help on anything let me know because I love these little games when they are done right. This one is done right!