game looks awesome
is just sad that its extremely frustrating to play with no direction of what to do or how mechanics work everything you have to learn for yourself
i only made it to the rainbow chest / ice graffiti item which i had to discard the bat for which i dislike having to do..
as for the rainbow chest i couldn't get to it cause i have no idea what your even suppose to do
and then i died to the fish as any range i tried doing just goes over the enemy (yes ik u can aim the graffiti but it would have still missed or i would have taken damage already as its charging at me) and if i try to dash into it i take damage anyways
sometimes i even die cause i couldn't see whats in the next screen.. i feel this game could benefit more if it was one screen then multiple
and jump puzzle are very awkward.. (bat bounce jump)
and one part of the map i thought i got soft locked but it was just abit hard to get back onto the roof (the room where you get mana from a ghost enemy?)
overall a pain to play but artstyle is amazing