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Luna: Main Theme: I love the cello melody, the performance quality is nuanced and really wonderful. The guitar plucking is a really cool effect. The ending with the cello and the string “insect” effect (that’s what I call them - I have never heard the term aleatoric before!) is really cool and unique!

Echoes of Silence: The overall tone is somber which helps convey your themes of grief well. The string effect gives the sense of chaos and almost like you are being watched. The pads also do a good job to raise tension.

Gates of Thalassia: I really like the choir! Which instrument software do these come from and would you recommend them for someone looking for a good choir instrument to get? This track feels like a very emotional moment.

Whispers of Thalassia: The simple pizzicato strings and piano with the gentle string drone gives the sense of a safe area or a village at night. I am really impressed by this piece because it has the sense of motion without having too much harmonic motion - which works really well for a level theme.

Final Boss: Again I love the male choral voices. The slow cello and snare build-up give the sense of a really dark boss. I think the fact that the energy doesn’t get too high makes this boss theme more emotional and impactful.

Overall: Wow, I am very impressed with each of your tracks and how they come together to create a dark heroic story from which I can very clearly imagine it backing a very high quality game. I am going to refer back to this in the future for inspiration. Excellent work and thank you for sharing!

Thank you so much for your detailed and genuinely interested comment! I'll try to respond to a few points in order. In the "main theme," the tremolo-style arpeggio is played on two kennel (an Estonian instrument similar to a harp). And "aleatoric" is indeed the right term to describe these particular string movements—look it up on YouTube; it's a unique technique, especially for building tension, in my opinion (I love it in certain parts of *The Lord of the Rings*... if I'm not mistaken, it's used when the fellowship is standing before the entrance to the Mines of Moria. That whole scene features aleatoric music).

For the choir library, I used EastWest's "Diamonds." I highly recommend it, especially because you can write custom words or phrases. In general, EastWest libraries are very good for choirs; there's also a newer one by Native Instruments that looks intriguing, though I haven't tried it yet.

Lastly, I really appreciate the compliments on the tracks and the soundtrack as a whole, and I'm glad to have been able to inspire you! Thanks again.