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(2 edits)

Awesome soundtrack, from beginning to end !
There's great variety in the tracks coupled with awesome instrumentation and arrangements, all serving a well written and thought-out synopsis.
Some tracks (which are also my favourites, coincidentally or not) reminded of other tracks I really like, which is great when they can paint some situations in my head independently of the story explanations :
- WAVE reminded me of the Melee Island Theme from Monkey Island
- The vocals of FLOW reminded me of Tetris Effect with the vocals sounds mapped to the player's inputs (maybe the glow in your story could leave some sparks behind that would emit those sounds when collected ?)
- The strings of SINK reminded of the strings at 53s in Freeze Up from Ninja Gaiden on Xbox (it took me a while to find in the back of my head where the familarity of the strings in your track came from)
- Finally, the intensity and orchestration and DEEP made me think of the MGS : Peace Walker theme (fitting for a battle against a snake)
Anyway, fantastic stuff I enjoyed it a lot, so congrats for your work !


Ooh I like your idea of having interactive music elements with the vocal effects from the glowing memories when they are collected! I am so glad that these tracks resonated with you! I am not familiar with the Freeze Up track - I’m going to look into that! Thank you so much for your attentive listening and for sharing these thoughts - I greatly appreciate it!