Dev here!
If by any chance you have question comments, concerns or any bug and or things to report, feel free to comment them below. I thank you for your interest and support! This comment will INFORM YOU OF CURRENT UPDATES to help you keep track of fixes and bugs reported.
Update (08/04/2024): Fixed an error preventing progress after the Guard Orc fight.
Update(08/05/2024) Fixed a bug that prevented player from travelling to next town after beating the first boss.
Update(09/01/2024) Fixed issue with freezing cutscene in second chapter.
Update(09/03/2024) Fixed battle at end of 3rd chapter. (Note. Never exclude unused files when importing your work if they are using SV battlers)
Update(09/16/2024) Fixed boss battle bug in chapter 4.
Update (09/21/2024) General bug fix and applied balancing to basic attack. (hopefully no more updates until I rework the maps.
Update (10/04/2024) Nothing major, just niche things.
Update (12/30/2024) Fixed a glaring bug in the first house. (Found by @Blue0193)