Main Theme: I can hear the Gareth Coker influence in this track! You have such a big and full sound that makes way for a grand story with big emotion to be carried by it. The quality of this track is really wonderful, and it makes this my favorite of your soundtrack!
Menu Selection Theme: The minimal percussion really makes the percussion you do have stand out in a good way. The use of the pentatonic scale here gives this track a classical Eastern Asian sound, butt also slows down the momentum and allows for the listener to relax somewhat before continuing on with the adventure.
Seaside Castle: In addition to hearing some Donkey Kong influence, I also heard some phrases that reminded me of Super Mario Bros 3.
Inside My World: The peace seems to have returned in this track. The synthesized voice you use sounds very similar to an erhu which would also work really well in this type of track so good selection! The relieved optimistic sound makes this a great theme to finish off your soundtrack with.
Overall: This soundtrack is so relaxing and captures the water vibes really well. I think you selected your references well and you were able to create a unique sound that is distinctly your own style. The quality of these tracks is great, especially in the main theme. Your track came up on Soundcloud after I was listening to something else and I was intrigued and that’s how I found your submission. Well done and thank you for sharing!