As a hint think as the symbols as the numbers and symbols on the calc eariler but, scrambled positions. You have to use math to figure out what they are. For ex: if you notice after hitting a character after anouther and its below it then... you know it must be (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing)
NOTE: if you exit the game it will re scramble everything back up
after you figure out which symbol is equal to 1 on the calc and you know what symbol equals adding... you can add the 1+1=2 method (1+1=2 2+1=3... 9+1=10) you get the idea.
Then, figure out which one is the dot symbol on the calc Obviously its the last one after all of the symbols are taken up or figured out.
Lastly, type in the numbers that are on the loading screen into the calc and once complete if its correct you will get a new screen. Good luck and hopefully I didn't ruin the fun :)