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Thanks for making a game about trans ppl - I'm non-binary but always questioning whether I'm maybe a woman and this has made me think more about it.

Secondly - I'm starting to make games of my own and realised your game is made in Godot, which is the engine I've been learning too! Do you like Godot, do you ever feel limited, do you have a lot of game-making experience, etc.?

Much love


Hey! I'm super glad you like the game :D Most of my game dev experience is in Godot, and I absolutely love it. I learned to program and stuff in this engine, and compared to like, unity or unreal, Ive found it to be an extremely good learning environment. It's structure follows a logic that feels very universal and easy to internalize. I've never felt limited by the engine at all (just by my own skills lol) Good luck w your game!!


None binary is not a real thing that would be like me saying my sexual orientation is Optimus prime you only sex choices are male or female their are no magical third choice it not like you can live nothing when it comes to a government forum


Literally playing a game by a trans person about trans people and being transphobic, ur a clown


This cis thinks this game is art in motion. Gotta learn to appreciate everything is beautiful. Not like the clown above.