Thank you very much for the explanation! This is very cool stuff. So you even wrote all the editing tools for the graphics and audio yourself? Super impressive, I’m blown away honestly. I suppose the fact that you used to write things for Mac using the system APIs allows the binary to be less than a megabyte (!).
I have been looking through some of the code you linked. There is a lot here, and it’s clear how much work you have put into all of this. I agree that doing things yourself often ends up being the best solution. I started with Godot and have worked down more to now using Raylib with C. I don’t have much time for game development anymore, though. I also saw some conditionals for iPhone and Android…I’m sure some people would enjoy a game like this on mobile.
When did you start working directly on Leaf’s Odyssey? Curious as to how long it took you to complete. I bought the game a few minutes after posting, and I’m really enjoying it so far. Since you talked about it; the title screen scene is great. The controller re-mapper works really well too…better than some modern AAA games! Looking forward to designing some levels after I play more.