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So, this is the first time I comment on anything, but here are my critiques(I'm no game developer so take this with a grain of salt)

1. So the game is EXTREMELY grindy and sometimes just takes hours to even level up a skill tree.

2. Speaking of skill trees, sometimes they're really difficult to even grind for. For example, the breeder skill tree. In order to lvl up that skill tree you have to creampie anybody(impregnanting them gives more exp, I think) and you gotta burn through a lotta people to lvl it up. So I'd say it'd be great to have perks that increase the amount of exp gained from any of the skill trees.

3. MONEY! It's also very scarce just like exp. You could get milked to get some decent cash, but even then it takes a few rounds to get the cash for some of the stuff. Also the mineshafts just isn't enough for money making imo. It'd be great to add upgrades or perks maybe that can possible help you get valuable minerals and crystals that give you more cash then just one credit. And so far, nothing like crystals and diamonds have been implemented yet.

4. The animations. Now, they aren't bad, if anything they're great!(good job on that devs) But the thing is depending on your penis size, the penis will practically just go through the person your penetrating. Luckily, receiving oral from someone does not have this issue. Although this is more of a me problem if anything.

5. Missions. Okay I won't be harsh here because from the looks of it the game is still freshly in development. So far all of the missions given are pretty well done. Problem is is that its extremely hard to even find the missions. I'm probably just slow, but it took me an embarrassing amount of time to even discover where the mineshafts were.(probably read the text too fast to know where it was) Maybe this one is just me though.

I have more critiques, but these are the major ones that I have as of right now. But other than that, I really enjoy the game for what it is so far!


git gud


I definitely will try


As far as money goes, its actually pretty easy to get filthy rich. Get 2-3 prostitute slaves to level 10 or so and a submissive to take care of them for you and you'll get rich in no time.

Also the exhibitionism and BDSM trees are super easy to level up and both have a lot of perks to make everything else in the game much easier.

Thanks for the tip, good sir!

I beleve when your portalpantes are used you gain 1credit even in the night time so i just afk til i got a bunch of money (by your i mean while you whear them) (of course you need to move to have them be used)


Get good at the game and use slaves

As I've said before, I will