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Very ambitious game for a game jam. It works, and it was interesting to play, but without the comments spoiling the puzzles I would have given up I think.

Mostly because I knew what I had to do: stop the wheel and bash the door with the boulder, but the actual process by which that was achieved was not intuitive for me. I tried setting up the boulder in front of the door and it would just respawn at its normal spot. And I tried using rocks to jam the wheel to no avail. Even reading the hint of the person falling into it I did not think of jumping on it as jamming it.

I think the best part of the game is the design of the wave looming over you. That was definitely the hook and very well realized.

I'm also surprised of how well this runs. I guess Unity WebGL is way better than Godot WebGL...

One thing I noticed is that the theme of alchemy and shadows is very loosely interpreted. I checked the GDD and I saw the explanation but it still kind of feels like an afterthought.

Narratively the game was also very loose. Something about crystals and some government project in a bunker, and the planet waves... the broad scope made it very vague and missing details, that leaves the mind of the player with the job of filling the gaps.

Overall, it's a really good entry that I enjoyed playing to the end.