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I'm really sorry to say, I am a little overwhelmed. I really like the art and music, but for a non-finance, non-business type of person this is all a bit too much info all at once. Admittedly, I sucked at bonds in all the Railroad Tycoon games too..

However, to make it immersive (and accessible) for someone like this, it might be feasible to bend this game in a direction in which you introduce the elements one by one... so maybe you don't start out as a CEO, but as a trainee, learning the ropes. (?) 

Then again, there are probably quite a lot of ppl out there who love all the dials you can turn in this game and want to know what happens next... Am am intrigued, but I did get flashbacks from when I bought a Europa Universalis game -- which apparently still has quite a fanbase.... but I was overwhelmed


No need to apologize, it's definitely not an intuitive game, I just appreciate you taking the time to play and leave feedback! 

I think my own appreciation of business games that are known for not being particularly user friendly might've bit my in the butt a little on this (I love the stocks and bonds in RRT! Thought EU is overwhelming for me as well). 

The original intent of the tutorial was to slowly step the player through all of the functions, unfortunately I just ran out of time, but I agree it's probably a little too much, with too ineffective a UI at this point.