Adam if you don't know how to properly code a control scheme please give up making video games, neither the gamepaddle nor the M&K work with this title. Was really looking forward to playing this. But your incompetent at best on how to code things correctly so they work at least somewhat! I could sit here and map the control scheme for you with my own software, but its not my game not my responsibility.
For others out there thinking about this game, hard pass it til the Developer knows what hes doing, this mistake is 3rd grade tech mistake at the outside. Don't waste your money, try the echo paradox or Cassiculus if you want a scary experience and they are both free.and can be found on steam!!
Had really wanted to play this, but kindergarten tech mistake as an indie developer, is not something i,m going to let slide. This feels to me like you got lazy with making sure the controls were working as intended and just threw layer on top of another to get you by, sad that you actually thought that would fly.