Thank you very much for the constructive feedback!
1. I am trying to look into the brightness bug, but currently there's very few leads as to what causes it.
2. The fattening system is very overtuned currently, to account for a full game's length - you reach full fat level after eating 100 guards, which is kind of unachievable unless the player is tenacious or spams the debug key.
2.1 This is a new bug to me, I will look into the despawning but I have an inkling it's caused by the splinters spawning under the wrong parent.
3. The guards' hearing goes through walls at the moment, which can cause odd situations like this. Do you mean guards will hear abnormally far?
3.1 This is a persistent pathfinding bug I will try to assess with the next version.
3.2 A death/capture scene is in the works, but adding a "you died" text is a good idea!
3.3 An icon legend could be useful here, but to explain: the gray square next to the heart is the stamina bar, which goes down when sprinting and using the vision ability. The wiggly icon represents sound radius, with the top of the bar signifying 10m sound range.
4. This is a bug I've never encountered until today, will look into either disabling the attack or keeping the player's rotation locked to the ladder.
4.1 Does this happen when guards are clipping through walls/doors? Their hitbox should be firmly on the other side of the obstacle.