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Well, Baxter is in both games and seems to be the same character.


True. Begs the question, might we get other character appearances? Like Jeremy, or shiloh? Or do I dare hope... cove?


Ahhhhhh I'd love to see a Cove cameo, but I doubt it since there are so many options to customize Cove in B&A. Who knows though! Maybe we will be surprised. :D


yeah good point. But imagine if we could load a save file from b&a into n&f, determining his characteristics. What is he even mentioned the player name from that save?

(1 edit) (+3)

Although now that i think about it, i do NOT want a shiloh cameo. Like, the step 3 dlc handled shiloh kinda weirdly, made him kinda... not intentionally mean, but still mean. As if he moved on with his life and his new friends took priority over his old ones. And i dont want that FRECKLED FUCKFACE on my screen. Istg, every time hes on screen, my screen feels dirty. I just have the urge to wipe my screen.


I love how this comment went from polite to rage in a sentence

because my polite part was the legitimate complaint I had about his character, and the rage part was just me not liking him cuz his freckles.