no idea why but I feel like we will bring her back, I have no idea how but I just feel like we'll find a way. maybe we'll use the cleansing water from the lizard tribe? it does restore our sanity stat so maybe it could have a similar effect on her? and on the possibility of her messing our relationship with Logan up, I think that's only gonna happen if we miss a heart with him. maybe 2 heart Logan will sway between going back to her or staying with us, but I think 3 heart is gonna dump her for us after saying some final words or maybe telling her how badly she hurt him.
and I feel like this is kinda what the bottom route has been leading too the whole time. like his wife becomes a super whore and disappears with wolves and werewolves, then her husband happens to encounter bandits who cause him to become a super whore like she did and he doesn't disappear for sex with werewolves like she did? seems unlikely. but if not that maybe he could meet a wererat and become like a replacement for Tao to the rat king?