I've been playing the game on Steam, and it's pretty good so far, but can you PLEASE make the wall-jump walls a more distinct color from non-wall-jump walls? EDIT: Maybe also make them striped for extra visibility? They blend in too well as-is. In the second level of world 3, one of the coins is up a shaft, and I kept thinking I needed to get the balloons past the on/off electric barriers, but they'd keep popping no matter how empty the space was. It wasn't until after a couple deaths where I noticed the wall suddenly became wall-jumpable at that point, and I didn't need the balloons at all. EDIT 2: Same is true for the on/off blocks in Emmy's level: wall-jumping off of them is required right BEFORE the vertical shaft that would've made it intuitive!
EDIT: While I'm at it, is the dialogue supposed to be grammatically awkward, or do you need to proofread the script?