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Game consistently freezes when I end my turn in the first fight.

I'm sorry for the issue.

let me guess: the cards fly to the right, then suddenly stop and while the game doesnt freeze in a sense that the taskmanager shows "no response", but the game simply doesnt progress.

i had another player note the same issue but i couldnt recreate the issue. May i ask for your PC Specs, your display resolution as well as whether you're using win10,  win11 or an emulation software?

I'll try to figure out where the issue lies, but every detail helps me here.

Yes, that's exactly right.
I'm using Windows 10, with a 1600 x 900 display, 64-bit operating system, and 8gb of ram.

one more question: the the cards stop slightly right to the discard pile display like this?
i'm currently looking into the issue and am consulting with people more knowledgeable in programming than myself, so i hope by the time the current updates goes public i'll have the issue resolved


Yes, actually.